Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello everyone!
This summer I was fortunate enough to find an internship in Cape Town, South Africa. My internship goes for 10 weeks (mid-May until the end of July) and is at a NGO/non-profit that does HIV/AIDS awareness and education for youth by using soccer as a hook. Then I will be in South Africa for two more weeks after that for a study abroad trip with my master's program. I wanted to write this blog in order for family and friends to be able to keep up with how I am doing. The countdown has begun, less than 7 days!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you sister!!! I love you and know that the NGO/non-profit will be so lucky to have you on board! You said in 2010 that you'd be back to Cape Town one day... way to make it happen! I love you! And thank god for FaceTime, WhatsApp, this website, and FB! `Beth
