Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday is Market Day!

Every Thursday there is a food Market a very short walk away from my office! When I go into work on Thursday, I think... hmmm what should I eat for lunch... then I remember it's THURSDAY! I instantly get a big grin on my face. The market has lots of different food vendors which are all delicious! Today the market was extra good because it is a beautiful day outside with not a cloud in the sky!
Let me take you on a picture adventure through my amazing lunch break today! I ate from this vendor today. For 35 rand, or about $4... you get a huge pita filled with hummus and three other delicious dishes of your choice.  I chose the following three: "herby green couscous salad with goat's cheese and cashew nuts," "mexican black bean and corn salsa salad," and "fresh spinach and lentil salad with crispy green apples and red wine vinagrette." It was delicious!!! Beth and Mom, we need to try and make some of those dishes, especially the last one!
Since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to indulge in some ice cream from a small vendor called The Creamery. I couldn't decide between two different flavors, so I got them both! :) hehe.  The flavor on the bottom is Ethiopian Coffee... let me just say it was some of the best ice cream I have ever had! On top was Lime curd....Mom, you would have lovvvvved it!!!
Hey Beth, do you remember this tree?
Well if you don't, here is a refresher! Me by the same tree in 2010! The cool tree is still standing! :)
It was so beautiful out, I took a stroll with my ice cream through Company Gardens... bet you wouldn't have guessed that downtown Cape Town had that much vegetation!

Table Mountain and the rose garden behind me :)  Im surprised I don't look more sad.. I had just finished the last bite of my delicious ice cream cone!

Company gardens... I would like to inform you all that I have now seen 3 ginormous rats in Cape Town.. two of which I saw in Company Gardens... the one I saw today was just living among the low vegetation along with all the fat squirrels.  I was walking home from the gym yesterday evening and one ran by me on the side walk... it definitely scared me... and they are huge rats... like big squirrels.  Sorry Jeff if you have nightmares after reading this,
I look so happy :) By the way, that is the new jacket I got :)

Urban jungle!

1 comment:

  1. love street/market food!

    just always have diarrhea meds handy. haha
